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These plugins are helpful for various methods used in modern composition: series, PC sets, random music and shapes:

















You can get the direct, inversion, retrograde and inversion’s retrograde with ‘12series_selpitch’ for 12-tone series. Let's take, for example, the series: C, Db, Eb, A, D, B, E, Bb, G, G#, F, F#:






















Use the plugin 'Inverse’ to invert a given pattern.






















For whole rows (with all the transpositions), use ‘Trans12’. We'll take the following series:

C, D, Db, Eb, E, F#, G, A, G#, Bb, F, B and we'll have the rows in seconds.

























One can get PC sets choosing from ‘Prime’ – ‘Sequences’ the number of pitches and then, choosing the sets, for example 6-12 and 8-21.






















You also can generate chords from ‘Prime’ – ‘Chords’ on selected notes:






















Or you can transpose an existing sequence with ‘Prime’ – ‘Transposers’.

























You can put a pattern in random order:






















Change randomly the pitch of the selected notes inside a chosen range or offering a list of notes:






















You can change the velocity:






















You may also wish to change duration or to insert legato or staccato and pauses:






















Add harmony with random notes or at random with chosen notes.






















Or  change the octaves of the selected notes randomly.






















You can also simply insert random notes.






















Or you can insert random notes controlling the limits of the pitch, duration and harmony. You'll have here full control of the parameters but it's a tedious process to choose each and every limit.






















You can generate random non-repetitive dodecaphonic series with ‘Generate Random 12’ and then operate on them with the plugins presented in 'Series'.























They say a good composition is one that looks good on paper. Linking music to visual, we have a few plugins that create shapes with music notes.


The simplest of all are ‘Line Oblique Horizontal Proxy’, ‘Line Oblique’ and ‘Line Oblique Horizontal Displacement’.






















‘Line Exponential’ gradually increases the spaces between notes.






















‘Line Broken’ alternates ascending and descending lines, being useful when you want to create long lines with equal intervals. You'll be asked to choose the length of each line.






















One can draw any shape using lines only but take a look to ready-made hairpins, vortexes, valleys and peaks.
























There is a plugin that allows you to combine scales, intervallic patterns, series, shapes with random parameters in a flow. Here is an example that generates a short string of notes: 





















Then, we'll have to work on the sketch - to add harmony, to change duration, to delete or to add notes as one can see on the other pages of this site.



You cam also see

Series - 12 tones
Series - Inverse
Series - Whole Row
Sets - Chords
Sets - Transpositions
Random - Pattern
Random - Pitch, Velocity, Duration
Random - Add Harmony
Random - Octave
Random - Insert Notes, Series
Random - Generate Series
Shapes - Combinations
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