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We have here plugins that modify music that was already written: transpositions, ornaments, a sequencer and 'groove'.

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Though there is a good Cakewalk plugin that transposes to a large list of scales, the plugins here will allow you to transpose any selection you choose.

You can also transpose to various octave divisions or scales that use microtones:

Or you may choose a scale of your own containing 5, 7 or 8 notes.

One of the problems with transpositions is that it often happens that two notes transpose to the same note. The plugin that solves this is ‘12 Notes Transposer’, where you'll be asked to choose the transposition of each note of the octave.

And you can also have transpositions of a sequence:

‘Ranger’ will transpose the selected notes to a given range, while ‘Ranger Orch’ will transpose to the specific range of a selected instrument.


It often happens that you want to modify the duration of the notes in a selection according to a certain rhythmic pattern.



Cakewalk doesn’t show ornaments in staff view. We can only create them as ordinary notes.



You can give a more “human” feeling to your music using the ‘Groove’ plugins.























You can also see

Transpositions - Selection
Transpositions - Microtones
Transpositions - Chosen Scale
Transpositions - 12 Notes
Transpositions - Multiple
Transpositions - In Range
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