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Tools for Composers

Cakewalk Plugins by MiRo


This site is a presentation of a series of plugins that ease the process of musical composition. They allow composers to skip the routine work and focus on the creative process.


They are written in CAL - Cakewalk Application Language. Cakewalk is a free DAW, that can be downloaded here:


The scripts cover a great number of items:  patterns, harmony,  series, PC sets, shapes and others.




Cakewalk is a good DAW but it has severe limitations: a basic staff view, a rudimentary interface when running CAL, no possibility to manipulate tempos and others.

However, CAL's flexibility allowed me to write this set of plugins that cover every aspect that may help the process of musical composition being more efficient.


(There are several explanatory videos on this site. In order to see them  properly, please maximize the size!)

The pages on this site:



As an example of how these plugins work, we'll focus on the CAL programs that write, transpose and harmonize any pattern of the celebrated Slonimsky's 'Scales And Melodic Patterns'.



Composers frequently use triads or combinations of triads to harmonize their melodies. 



The scripts on this page offer chords and solutions for various methods of harmonization.



We have here scales, modes, melodic patterns and various ways to operate on them.



This page will deal with a few systems and methods used in music composition: series, PC sets, random music and shapes.



Here are some plugins that modify patterns: transpositions, ornaments, a sequencer and groove.



The plugins on this page make changes and corrections quickly, sparing efficiently composer's time.



How to get all these plugins and to propose suggestions.


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